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Museum Anak Kolong Tangga: Childhood. Rewind. [1]

Inside every adult there’s still a child that lingers – Guy Laliberte

The (private) tour guide said, “The next place we’re going to visit is the one and only museum that will bring you directly to your childhood”. I was just thinking.. what?? another museum?? I thought that my facial expressions and my negative comments on  our previous visits to several museums have already enough to explain how I don’t really like them. Unorganized, spooky, boring, lack of information, … you name it. “Hahaha…you will love this museum. For sure. Satisfaction guaranteed”. Dang! The guide even teased me more. Here’s the story about Museum Anak Kolong Tangga.

The museum itself is hosted in another building, yet there are no clear signage. I believe, without proper information about this place, the visitors will easily get lost or just wander around without any chance to enter the museum. The only visible sign is this doll and a small poster below it. Aha, Museum Pendidikan dan Mainan Kolong Tangga also known as Museum Kolong Tangga. Let’s see if there’s something that can impress me.

A greeting from the chimpanzee. Howdy!

Simpanse di Museum Kolong Tangga
A chimpanzee doll to greet the visitors at the entrance of the museum

The ticket costs IDR 5.000 for locals and IDR 0 for children under 14 (subject to change). Yay, it’s Museum Mainan, dude. It is stated in their official website that the money from the ticket selling will be use for the development of the museum and visitors can have greater participation by putting their donation at the exit gate.

To avoid visitors boredom, to attract more visitors, and to be able to display all the 10.000 items, the theme of the museum is updated annually. Most of the collections are gifts and some others are bought from different locations. The items are neatly stored in the displays equipped with a piece of information, such as, the origin or the history behind the toys. Others are just displayed with the signage : Don’t touch! 😀 Still, there are some toys with little or even no information at all.

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Suasana Museum Kolong Tangga
Clean and neat displays, supported with adequate lights

“So, not bad huh?”, the tour guide smiled at me. I really wanted to put her into one of the displays and attached “Annabele” as the information. I have to admit that my opinions about museums should be more positive since this museum, located in Southern Yogyakarta, near Prawirotaman,, has helped me to replay all my childhood memories.

“So, do you really want to know my opinions about this museum?”

“Hmm.. what?”

“Treat me the best cappuccino in town, and you will get what you want”

9 tanggapan pada “Museum Anak Kolong Tangga: Childhood. Rewind. [1]”

  1. Pingback: Childhood. Rewind [2] | Pejalan Semenjana

  2. Pingback: After reading these quotes, just get lost and then…blow your mind! | Pejalan Semenjana

  3. Pingback: Childhood. Rewind [2] - dotdolan.com

  4. Mbak Mim, aq udah sering ke taman budaya, tp mgkn ga aware lokasi museum ini kali ya?
    Museum nya permanent apa pas ada event nya aja nih mbak?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Permanent kog Dy, jadi bisa dikunjungi kapan saja (asal pas buka). Museumnya di deket tangga, makanya namanya Museum Anak Kolong Tangga 🙂

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